Brian Miske

Partner, KPMG

Brian Miske, a Partner at KPMG and the leader of US Ignition, is recognized for his 25-plus years of experience in revolutionizing organizations across various industries. At the forefront of US Ignition, a group of diverse individual who shape perspectives, discovering concealed opportunities, he and team guide clients to rethink their strategies and cultivate innovative, future-forward visions. His expertise in strategy, design, and innovation consulting is key in navigating the complexities of today’s fast-paced business landscape.

In his leadership role, Brian capitalizes on KPMG’s wide-ranging advisory, tax, and audit services to curate immersive experiences that meet client needs. His previous position as Chief Marketing Officer for KPMG in the Americas provided him profound insights into the interplay between organizational culture and market success. Brian’s eclectic background, extending from toy design to global marketing, empowers him to develop and implement strategies that drive sustainable growth and financial robustness. A lifelong learner, he recently earned a master’s degree in Space Leadership, Business, and Policy from Thunderbird School of Global Management, underscoring his unceasing quest for new insights and his commitment to driving organizational transformation.
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